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duminică, octombrie 15, 2006


The perfect Sunday afternoon... can you imagine? It is the middle of October, and still, it was a nearly-summer day. So I couldn't have missed it, I just took my camera and went for a walk in the Herăstrău park... the place I most love in Bucharest. You can see the results in the photo album I've added. Also, this perfect day had it's ending in this little poem, that may mean the return of my inspiration...

O frunză de toamnă
murind pe un ram,
o undă stingheră ce nemişcarea-o străpunge,
un ţipăt cu negru cărbune pictat
pe-un cer de-un albastru cu-aromă de vară...
O pală de vânt adiind a răcoare,
ce frunza de toamnă-n vals lent o coboară,
un copil ce nu ştie
că lacul adoarme
şi că de mâine ploaia-l îneacă.
Un cântec de fată, abia susurat,
dar frunza de toamnă nu mai respiră;
un ultim sărut răzvrătit printre doruri,
o floare de nufăr, o ultimă rază.

(I tried to translate it, but it sounded really stupid in English... one always expresses his feelings better in his mother tongue... tal vez lo voy a intentar en castellano, pero no esta noche...)

Tăcere & PHOTO©2006 moonlight

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