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luni, octombrie 30, 2006

Uriah Heep and... Iris, of course :)

Some of you, the ones who were at Sala Palatului yesterday evening, have seen a fantastic show made by Uriah Heep and Iris.

Again, I am speechless. I am not even going to talk about Raza, the band who made the opening; they were quite boring and the only two entertaining songs they played were "Amintire cu Haiducii" (original by Phoenix) and Evanescence's "Bring Me to Life".

I will speak of the 40 minutes' show Iris did, and of the hour and a half Uriah Heep played. A few years back, when Iris released the "Matase alba" album, Uriah Heep were in Romania as their guests in a show at the Baneasa airport. They registered together a modern version of "Lady in Black" (check my blast), which I find better than the original. Yesterday, Uriah Heep made the show and Iris were the guests, but nevertheless, they were incredible as always. By now, I'm sure you all know I'm a huge Iris fan and I will always believe them to be the greatest band ever ). Oh... and yesterday I was on stage, along with Cati and a friend of hers, with iris flowers for Cristi, just after they sang "Floare de Iris" (to quote Cati, "this was sooo coool" ).

And what about Uriah Heep? They compressed a 35 years work in 90 incendiary minutes, ending with the old version of "Lady in Black" (I think everyone was kind of expecting they played it with Iris, but still it was great). They were just incredible, I mean, looking at them you would think they wouldn't have any energy left for touring and shows... but they were like having adrenaline shots made just before the show. So, I was impressed. Again, seing such great artists is a real satisfaction. And what really moved me was seing the hall full of people quite past 30-40 years of age, and this is a good sign that the rock phenomenon in Romania is not limited to 15 year-old girls. What more can I say? It was fantastic!!!!

So, to resume, it was a great weekend. A long weekend, I might add, as I had a bonus day today and didn't go to work. I'm only sad for not being able to take any pictures (you can blame my brother for making me leave the camera at home), so I only have the ones Mihnea and Ioana took (and, of course, I'm not going to post them here, as they are not mine to use... well, maybe just one, along with my thanks). Back to work tomorrow, but it will be a short week. Now I'm waiting for the postman with my invitation for the visa (btw... I'm damn weak, I decided to go to Brasil anyways, but don't tell Ric, he'll just stop doing any efforts ) and for the weekend in the mountains with the dance school . See ya!

Uriah Heep and... Iris, of course ©2006 moonlight / PHOTO by Mihnea

duminică, octombrie 15, 2006


The perfect Sunday afternoon... can you imagine? It is the middle of October, and still, it was a nearly-summer day. So I couldn't have missed it, I just took my camera and went for a walk in the Herăstrău park... the place I most love in Bucharest. You can see the results in the photo album I've added. Also, this perfect day had it's ending in this little poem, that may mean the return of my inspiration...

O frunză de toamnă
murind pe un ram,
o undă stingheră ce nemişcarea-o străpunge,
un ţipăt cu negru cărbune pictat
pe-un cer de-un albastru cu-aromă de vară...
O pală de vânt adiind a răcoare,
ce frunza de toamnă-n vals lent o coboară,
un copil ce nu ştie
că lacul adoarme
şi că de mâine ploaia-l îneacă.
Un cântec de fată, abia susurat,
dar frunza de toamnă nu mai respiră;
un ultim sărut răzvrătit printre doruri,
o floare de nufăr, o ultimă rază.

(I tried to translate it, but it sounded really stupid in English... one always expresses his feelings better in his mother tongue... tal vez lo voy a intentar en castellano, pero no esta noche...)

Tăcere & PHOTO©2006 moonlight

miercuri, octombrie 11, 2006

Autumn Feelings II

Today... two poems/songs about autumn... May you all be loved...


A venit toamna, acoperă-mi inima cu ceva,
cu umbra unui copac sau mai bine cu umbra ta.

Mă tem că n-am să te mai văd, uneori,
ca or să-mi crească aripi ascuţite până la nori,
că ai să te ascunzi într-un ochi străin,
şi el o să se-nchidă cu o frunză de pelin.

Şi-atunci mă apropii de pietre şi tac,
iau cuvintele şi le-nec în mare.
Şuier luna şi o rasar şi o prefac
într-o dragoste mare.

din vol. "O viziune a sentimentelor" (1964)


So, the season of the fall begins
Down the crossroads in a sleepy little inn
By the fire when the sun goes down

But the night becomes you
And the secrets of the rain

Forever autumn

And the season of the fall begins
Out the nightlands when the thunderstorm sets in
The secrets clear in the cloudy night

But the night becomes you
And the secrets of the rain, they will stay the same
And the time will come soon
With the secrets of the rain, and the storm again

Coming closer every day, forever autumn

And the season of the fall begins
Past the passingbell, past willow weeping
A ripple forms on the brinks of time

But the night becomes you
And the secrets of the rain, they will stay the same
And the time will come soon
With the secrets of the rain, and the storm again

Coming closer every day, forever autumn

from the album "Forever Autumn" (1999)


luni, octombrie 09, 2006

Autumn Feelings

2 months... God, I'm counting the days till my vacation starts... but it seems like time is passing very fast, and it'll be December before knowing it. Plus I'll be busy with the embassy and taking care of all this, also my dancing classes, that the weeks will seem to be running .

¿Brasil o España?¿ Rio de Janeiro o La Coruña? Lo decidiré en aproximadamente dos semanas. En este momento, Coruña suena mejor, no me cuesta tanto trabajo llegar allí, no necesito de visado, además, Coruña nunca me desilusionó... pero veremos...

October has just come. For some, it's the beginning of school. I kind of miss school, it used to bring me an undefined emotion, especially when I was younger. I'd do it all over again, although I know it's silly and now I've reached another level in my life.

I love autumn. Well, not the part when it rains continuouslly, but I love the colours, and the sunny days when everything seems so peacefull... I guess autumn is the season when I'm most tranquil, and find myself lost in the beauty of the silence. It doesn't have anything from the usual agitation of spring, when I'm full of life, or of summer, or of winter, when Christmas lasts 2 months for me . I love autumn because it makes me forget about everything and everyone, and not care anymore. I'm just... ok... for now.

I would like to wish a warm "Happy birthday" to my sweet brother, who turns 22 tomorrow. May you be happy and loved, and remember that you can count on me for anything.

For the rest of you, I miss you... all my friends, especially the ones I made in school, because I miss school so much righ now. Maria honey, um beijo... tenho saudades dos momentos que passamos juntas, as três... Sorte, menina! Vai ver que as coisas vão sair bem!

Autumn feelings© 2006 moonlight / PHOTO BY MARIA