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joi, septembrie 21, 2006


How would the most important day of your life look like?

Would it be the day you finally find the job of your dreams? Or the day you marry that one person who makes your life bright? The day your first child is born? The day you win the lottery?

Or would it be the day you finally stop from your usual routine, your hurry, and really smell the air, see the sky, hear the rain, feel the wind? Give it a thought, give it a try...


I'm not writing anymore... I haven't written a poem in a month, and the last one was so depressing, I didn't put in on the web site I post my poems on.

I used to open the dictionary, pick any word, and find inspiration... began with that word and everything else was just coming to me. Writing has always helped me express my feelings, it was the only way to show them, since I'm usually the type of person who doesn't say out loud what she thinks or feels. Now... all that is lost. And the year I spent in Spain... well, that was my most prolific, I think it was because Coruña is such a magic place.

Maybe I'm too busy. Maybe it's because I'm not happy anymore. Maybe I worry too much about the future and forget that life is great the way it is... who knows. I need inspiration...

Menino do meu coração, preciso de você... e de todo esse amor que faz tempo que não me deu...

duminică, septembrie 10, 2006

August Update

First, let me say I found my dance partner and I started the dance lessons, a week later than the rest of the group, but still, it is great. I've had the first 2 classes this Friday and Saturday and it is really cool. I'm really happy, like a 5 year old with a new toy . As you can see, I've changed my avatar accordingly. Thanks to the instructor, or maybe thanks to the 2 girls that were so inconsistent that my partner needed someone else... This is good, because the last class is on the 18th of November, I will be busy doing something else besides work until then, and still have some time left until my vacations. So, the announcement about me looking for a dance partner is no longer available.

Second, I finished the portuguese class, and I will have my diploma soon, so that's another accomplishment. Trying to decide weather I take the DELE now, but I think Ric will kill me if I don't, as my only reason for not going to Rio in November was taking this exam...

Exactlly 3 months left until going to Brazil... 90 days. I really need vacations, I'm quite tired and sooo sick of going to work every day... But will I really go? That's the question... I'm also tired of waiting...

Some not so good things happened also, like not making it to the RT position, but that's ok, I'm not so sad about it. And Maria left for Portugal, which is a good thing, since she's going to spend 2 years with Luis. I'm really happy for her, let's hope everything will be ok and she will have fun and do her master. Boa sorte, menina!

What else? Saw "Pirates of the Carribbean", again with a genious Johnny Depp. Party last night at Cristina's, I'll upload some photos later. Tomorrow meeting with the girls to see "Lady in the Water". Seria A started today, Inter won with Fiorentina, great game, forza nerrazzuri!!! Tomorrow Schumacher will announce if he retires or not, I hope he doesn't, cause F1 won't be the same without him.

Now it's time to practice some salsa steps. Ya hablaremos! Yolandaaaaaa!!! 1,2,3...5,6,7...

luni, septembrie 04, 2006

Ciao Giacinto, addio bandiera nerazzurra...

Words are sometimes useless. In moments like this, all that matters are the memories. Memories every football fan in Italy, no matter what team they support, and every Inter fan in the world, keep. 6 more days until the start of the new season, and Inter is beginning as champions of Italy, winners of the Cup and the Supercup. Starting with a team that he helped building. With the dream of winning the scudetto on the field.

But they will also begin the new season without their president, without their leader, without the captain that led the team in the winning of the 2 Champions' League trophies in the history - Giacinto Facchetti. He left this world too soon, consumed by an unforgiving desease which he had only discovered a few months back. He left before having the chance to see his team win another title on the field. He left after having fought his last battle, that of cleaning the italian football and bringing beauty and honesty to the game. He left quietlly, with dignity, the same way as he lived his life.

He was the last spokesman for the fair-play in football, the last exponent of the old guard, the last true pennant of the black & blue flag. He now joins Giuseppe "Peppino" Prisco, Inter's vice-president and lawyer for so many years, to a better place, where there are no fights for undeserved merits, no cruelty, no lies. The world of football will miss you... and all the Inter fans will keep you in their hearts and their memories as you were, an incredible player, THE CAPTAIN who led Helenio Herrera's team to winning the 2 Champion's League titles, a great president and a great man.

Oggi piange l'Inter, piange il mondo del calcio, per l'addio di Giacinto Fachetti... Addio, bandiera merazzurra...

"C'è un immenso dolore da parte di tutti noi e da parte di tutta la famiglia nerazzurra. Giacinto ci mancherà moltissimo perchè era una persona straordinaria, un essere umano molto molto buono, in tutti i sensi. Ha fatto parte e farà sempre parte della storia dell'Inter. Oggi è un giorno molto triste anche perchè lui è sempre stato vicino a noi, vicino a tutti. Ripeto: Giacinto ci mancherà tantissimo". (Javier Zanetti, today's captain, about yesterday's captain)

"Caro Cipe, non sono riuscito a dirti quello che volevo, per paura di farti capire che il tempo era inesorabile e la malattia terribile. Scusami, ma credo che ti debba ringraziare soprattutto per la pazienza che hai sempre avuto con me. Per i tuoi occhi che sorridevano, fino alla fine, ai miei entusiasmi o all'ironia con cui cercavo di superare insieme a te momenti difficili. Pochi giorni fa, pochissimi, mi parlavi dell'Inter con un filo di voce e con l'espressione di chi ti vuole bene, proiettando il tuo pensiero in un futuro che andava oltre le nostre povere, ignoranti, possibilità umane. Qualche mese fa ti chiedevo un po' scherzando un po' sul serio come mai non riuscivamo ad avere un arbitro amico, tanto da sentirci almeno una volta protetti. E tu, con uno sguardo fra il dolce e il severo, mi rispondesti che questa cosa non potevo chiedertela, non ne eri capace. Fantastico. Non ne era capace la tua grande dignità, non ne era capace la tua naturale onestà, la sportività intatta dal primo giorno che entrasti nell'Inter, con Herrera che ti chiamò Cipelletti, sbagliandosi, e da allora, tutti noi ti chiamiamo Cipe. Dolce, intelligente, coraggioso, riservato, lontano da ogni reazione volgare. Grazie ancora di aver onorato l'Inter, e con lei tutti noi." (Massimo Moratti)

"Con la morte di Facchetti si chiude un'epoca: lui rappresentava un calcio pulito che, oggi, sembra essere l'eccezione alla regola, quel calcio in cui credeva anche Helenio. Giacinto, pur essendo profondamente religioso, da tutti noi era visto come un dio pagano. Nel campo svettava sugli altri, e quando correva la sua falcata sembrava quella di Mercurio. Quello che però più colpiva era la sua correttezza estrema, quasi mistica" (Fiora Herrera)

Ciao Giacinto, addio bandiera nerazzurra...© 2006 moonlight & INTER.IT & GAZZETTA DELLO SPORT / PICTURE FROM INTER.IT