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joi, ianuarie 19, 2006


A friend of mine from Mexico came to Romania for a few weeks, visiting his girlfriend...he's going away tomorrow night...and I have almost the same feeling I had when I left Coruña, not knowing when I am going to see all those people I met there again... most of them, probably never. And it's quite sad...

I remember the first time I met him... he was always telling me to smile, and indeed he made me smile a lot of times ever since. He was always there when I needed someone to talk to, well, he was always there for the 3 of us... kind of the man of the house, independently of the fact that we all had boyfriends. And he helped me through a lot of bad moments, although there was a time when I thought I could never be close to him again.

He was present every time I cried, every time I was happy, every time I got drunk. In fact, I only got drunk with him, and I am most grateful that he never let me go home alone and he never let me do stupid things, especially an the San Juan party, when I wanted to take a bath into the ocean at 2AM .

I guess I have never met someone like him, someone who is always capable of seeing the good in everything, and not letting you drown when you're in a bad state, always telling you that "this too shall pass"... So I thank him for being there when I was sad, when I was hurt, when I fell in love, when I felt lonely, when I was pathetically crying in the bathroom, when I was deliriously happy, when I had something to say and nobody else was listening....

Until the next time we will see each other, may no bad touch you! and have a tequila for me when you get to Xalapa!

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