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luni, august 28, 2006

Caut partener de dans!

Nope, nu e o gluma...

Deoarece si pentru ca am primit un impuls din partea cuiva, nu spui cine, ca poate se supara si nu vrem asta ... si pentru ca de multisor vreau sa ma apuc de cursuri de dans (a se traduce, latino) si acum chiar mi s-a pus pata serios...

Am gasit scoala perfecta, sau ma rog, asa cred eu, din ce am auzit/citit. Ce mi s-a parut diferit fata de celelalte scoli de dans din capitala noastra cea fara de pereche este ca iti impune sa te duci la cursuri cu un partener. Am incercat sa ma inscriu, sperand ca o sa fie niscaiva baieti singuri si asa o sa se formeze o pereche. Din pacate, au fost foarte multe perechi formate deja care s-au inscris, si n-am avut noroc. Asa ca mi-l caut pe unde pot (norocul/partenerul ).

Deci... daca din intamplare, printre cei care mai citesc tampeniile pe care le scriu eu pe aici, se gaseste cineva care sa vrea sa invete sa danseze, sau stie pe cineva care vrea ... o sa se mai organizeze o grupa de incepatori pe la mijlocul lunii septembrie, iar cursurile se vor tine sambata si duminica, din cate am inteles. Mai multe detalii o sa primesc si eu mai incolo. Asa ca pliz pliz I will be forever in your debt. Cand o aparea oficial si pe forumul scolii respective (careia n-o sa-i fac reclama aici) anuntul despre formarea grupei, o sa postez si acolo un "matrimonial". Deocamdata ma limitez la asta.

Asa ca, daca e cineva interesat (de dans), sa lase un mesaj sau un IM pe Y!M. Btw, invat repede si-mi petrec week-end-urile prin Salsa 3 (uite ca la asta fac reclama ), asa ca nu sunt chiar necunoscatoare in domeniu (sau cel putin asa imi place sa cred). Astept sugestii si reclamatii.

P.S. poza din Salsa ca sa vedeti ca nu va mint. Sorry for writing this one in Romanian, but I'm looking for a dance partner and I need him to be from Romania, so someone from another place in the world won't help me much.

Caut partener de dans! & photo© 2006 moonlight

marți, august 22, 2006

Pedro Abrunhosa - Beijo

Another song today, this is a very cool portuguese guy who has all these incredible songs... I would translate it to you, but it won't sound as good as in portuguese. Well, whoever has to understand, will

Não posso deixar que te leve
O castigo da ausência,
Vou ficar a esperar
E vais ver-me lutar
Para que esse mar não nos vença.
Não posso pensar que esta noite
Adormeço sozinho,
Vou ficar a escrever,
E talvez vá vencer
O teu longo caminho.

Quero que saibas
Que sem ti não há lua,
Nem as árvores crescem,
Ou as mãos amanhecem
Entre as sombras da rua.

Leva os meus braços,
Esconde-te em mim,
Que a dor do silêncio
Contigo eu venço
Num beijo assim.

Não posso deixar de sentir-te
Na memória das mãos,
Vou ficar a despir-te,
E talvez ouça rir-te
Nas paredes, no chão.
Não posso mentir que as lágrimas
São saudades do beijo,
Vou ficar mais despido
Que um corpo vencido,
Perdido em desejo.

Quero que saibas
Que sem ti não há lua,
Nem as árvores crescem,
Ou as mãos amanhecem
Entre as sombras da rua.

Leva os meus braços,
Esconde-te em mim,
Que a dor do silêncio
Contigo eu venço
Num beijo assim...

Pedro Abrunhosa - Beijo© 2006 moonlight / SONGS BY PEDRO ABRUNHOSA / PICTURE FROM GOOGLE

luni, august 14, 2006

Incredible Placebo

I had reached a point where I was complaining about not having anything interesting happening in my life. All the weekends were the same, spending the time in the internet, or going for a walk in the park, the usual weekend shopping, going to dance in Salsa... I did have some excitement for a a few weeks, but it seems that too is lost now, which is sad...

Well, as if someone wanted to contradict me, yesterday I was at the Placebo concert at Arenele Romane(many thanks to Ulpia for the invitation ). While waiting to go in, I was thinking I would write this long entry about the hour and I half I (we) spent in the Carol Park waiting to go in, because they only opened the gates at a little after 7, although the concert was scheduled to start at that time. But I changed my mind. I'm not going to do a cultural review either, as I am no journalist.

But I will say it was a real pleasure to be there, and a real honour. It is not every day that you see such big a rock band in a live concert in Bucharest. It's true, this summer we had some great artists here, starting with Lake of Tears back in March, then Depeche Mode, Billy Idol, Deftones, Bloodhound Gang... and still to come this autumn Cesaria Evora and Dulce Pontes, whom I really want to see. But, unfortunatelly, I didn't get to go to any of those, due to all kind of reasons, mainly money and time.

So... I was saying... we were told that the opening will be made by Dj Rock and AB4. I have no idea who DJ Rock is, but fortunatelly we were not forced to listen to them, I suppose it was because they started the concert so late. But AB4 I kind of missed. They had left Romania a few years ago, and nobody heard anything of them since. So it was a really good surprise seing them and hearing them last night, they did a very good show that lasted for more than half an hour, with some very good new songs. It was a good opening for Placebo, mostly because I think everybody was curious to see what they have been doing for so long.

And talking about Placebo, they were great. I was kind of missing real rock, you know, classic rock, good rock, not the one that you hear nowadays, that makes 16 year-old chicks go crazy. I felt like going back a few years, when I was a high-school girl and everything was so simple . It was really great, they sang both old a new songs, and the new album, "Meds", sounds great, Placebo-style. They didn't sing too much, about 1 hour, but it was fantastic (regardless of the technical problems they had) and the crowd was satisfied (at least I think they were, and I hope too). I was happy that I was able to see them, because it is such a rare opportunity to see such an extraordinary band live in Romania (did I say that again? I believe I did... ). And again, many thanks to Ulpia for the invitation. It was a great night and I had my batteries recharged for some time, so it will take a couple of weeks until complaining again that nothing interesting ever happens to me .

Incredible Placebo & PHOTO© 2006 moonlight

miercuri, august 09, 2006

Entry for August 09, 2006

Four beers last night in Becker Brau, unfiltred, of course... and a night of hyperactivity, as there was full moon (2 more probably following...). Enough to put me in that state I go into when I don't have things to do.

So... this will be a "Sex and the city"-type blog. Question: Why do we like problems? Why do women like problems? What is it with calm life that sounds so damn wrong that we are not happy with? If we are not ok, if things go wrong, we complain that they never go well. If everything is perfect, we complain that we get bored.

I would like to meet the woman who is absolutely satisfied with her life. She will be my hero. But is there such a woman? Or it's just an ideal, more of a man's ideal actually, as they always say we're never satisfied. You know... as we have our romantic prince charming, handsome, sensitive, that always does the exact thing we need, and always says what we need to hear. That's a satisfied woman for the men, the perfection, the ideal (which, of course, doesn't exist).

Or, maybe, it does exist. But me... well, I have never met such a woman. I addmit. I complain about everything. I'm never satisfied with the way things are, but I truly believe that if I did, my life would be meaningless. I always say you have to have standards to reach for. And always have a project to fight for, if not, what is life? If a guy treats me with indifference... well, just ask those who did and they'll tell you how annoying I get.

So, I complicate my life. If I don't have problems, I invent them. I couldn't live in a life where there would be no problems. Of course, usually my problems are... romantic. And as I consider myself a bit of an artist, at least my soul is, I tend to take my problems as far as they become tragedies. So every day there's a tragedy happening, it keeps me going, and it keeps me from getting bored, because I am getting bored easily.

So, as I said, I enjoy complicating my life. If things are perfect, which they should be, since apparently all my dreams came true lately (just check my latest blog entries, you'll know what I mean), if I am happy, as I should be, I am actually not happy. I am not happy of being too happy. (What a stupid thing to say, right?). So, I am creating problems, and I am trying to find ways for the things to be not so perfect.

Some of you were getting a glimpse of my new-found "complications" lately, and saw how much I enjoyed them, and still enjoy. For the last three weeks, I've been going to work smiling and keeping that smile all day, which is a lot to ask from me. Unfortunately, there are too many people I care for reading this blog and I cannot explain everything in here. The question is, what will exactly happen? And how will I manage to go with it? Well... I have always fallen on my feet, no matter how many stupid things I've done; that's why I am so sure I will manage to handle everything. It's just a way to see how things would be if I did everything differently. And maybe putting the bases of a new life, I'm good at that.

Entry for August 09, 2006© 2006 moonlight / PICTURE FROM GOOGLE

sâmbătă, august 05, 2006

Ella y él - Ricardo Arjona

Today... a song... Ricardo Arjona, one of the most romantic artists I have ever listened to.

So, here it comes, for all of you who have loved, but were not loved back; for all of you who are in love; for the ones who know love will come, but haven't found it yet...

Ella es de la Habana, él de Nueva York
ella baila tropicana, a él le gusta el rock
ella vende besos en un burdel, mientras él se gradua en U.C.L.A.
ella es medio marxista, él es republicano
ella quiere ser artista, él odia a los cubanos
él cree en la Estatua de la Libertad,
y ella en su vieja Habana de la soledad

Él ha comido hamburguesas, ella moros con cristianos
él champán con sus fresas, ella un mojito cubano
ella se fue de gira a Yucatán, y él de vacaciones al mismo lugar
mulata hasta los pies, él rubio como el sol
ella no habla inglés, y él menos español
él fue a tomar un trago sin sospechar
que iba a encontrar el amor en aquel lugar

Lo que las ideologias dividen al hombre,
el amor con sus hilos los une en su nombre

Ella mueve su cintura al ritmo del tan tan
y él se va divorciando del Tio Sam
él se refugia en su piel, la quiere para él
y ella se va olvidando de Fidel
qué sabian Lenin y Lincoln del amor
qué saben Fidel y Clinton del amor.

Ella se sienta en su mesa
él tiembla de la emoción
ella se llama Teresa , y él se llama John
ella dice "hola chico", él contesta "hello"
a ella no le para el pico, él dice "speak slow"
él se guardó su bandera, ella olvido los conflictos
él encontro la manera, de que el amor salga invicto
la tomó de la mano y se la llevó
el yankee de la cubana se enamoró

lo que las ideologias dividen al hombre
el amor con sus hilos los une en su nombre

ahora viven en París, buscaron tierra neutral
ella logró ser actriz, él es un tipo normal
caminan de la mano calle Campos Elisios
como quien se burla del planeta y sus vicios.

Ella y él - Ricardo Arjona© 2006 moonlight / SONG BY RICARDO ARJONA / PICTURE FROM GOOGLE

marți, august 01, 2006

Cuando nadie me ve - Alejandro Sanz

A veces me elevo, doy mil volteretas
a veces me encierro tras puertas abiertas
a veces te cuento por qué este silencio
y es que a veces soy tuyo y a veces del viento.

a veces de un hilo y a veces de un ciento
y hay veces, mi vida, te juro que pienso:
¿por qué es tan difícil sentir como siento?
sentir ¡cómo siento! que sea difícil

a veces te miro y a veces te dejas
me prestas tus alas, revisas tus huellas
a veces por todo aunque nunca me falles
a veces soy tuyo y a veces de nadie
a veces te juro de veras que siento,
no darte la vida entera, darte sólo esos momentos
¿por qué es tan dificil?... vivir sólo es eso...
vivir, sólo es eso... ¿por qué es tan dificil?

cuando nadie me ve puedo ser o no ser
cuando nadie me ve pongo el mundo del revés
cuando nadie me ve no me limita la piel
cuando nadie me ve puedo ser o no ser
cuando nadie me ve.

a veces me elevo, doy mil volteretas
a veces me encierro tras puertas abiertas
a veces te cuento por qué este silencio
y es que a veces soy tuyo y a veces del viento

te escribo desde los centros de mi propia existencia
donde nacen las ansias, la infinita esencia
hay cosas muy tuyas que yo no comprendo
y hay cosas tan mías, pero es que yo no las veo
supongo que pienso que yo no las tengo
no entiendo mi vida, se encienden los versos
que a oscuras te puedo, lo siento no acierto
no enciendas las luces que tengo desnudos,
el alma y el cuerpo

cuando nadie me ve puedo ser o no ser...