Hi everyone!
Yeah, I know, I've been neglecting this page for quite a long time, just visiting it to see what some of my friends have been posting. So, this is what work's like...no time for anything else, especially no time for internet, although I have unlimited access at work (well, except the messenger), so that's why I haven't been online so much as you (and I) were used to...
It's been a rough couple of weeks... the first days of real work were hard, for not really knowing what to do, and I admit I have made mistakes, but I guess every beginning is like that, and the most important thing is to learn from them. Plus, there were some "troubles in paradise", asked myself a lot of questions, acted like crazy, had doubts... I hate myself for being so insecure and not being patient... but after all I am known for not being a patient person... So, the point is I'm getting scared of losing him, so I decided to change the way I'm acting, because it's not doing anybody any good and we're both hurting. I have been meditating and reaching a conclusion, a very "philosophic" one (don't laugh, it's true): good things are hard to get, they need a lot of work and patience, while bad things come with one single mistake, and sometimes even when you don't do anything... so I decided to fight for it, mostly fight with myself, my questions and my need for things to happen fast, fight time and distance.
And going to a more cheerful subject: I would like to thank my co-workers, especially Anamaria, for a very nice Easter. It would have been very depressing, since it was the second Easter in a row when I wasn't at home with my family, but I had a very pleasant time with Ana's family yesterday Image. Oh, and I'm really sorry for not sending any Happy Easter mails this year, I usually don't do that, but I was really lazy this weekend and didn't feel like doing all that effort of finding something original to write...
I will end up with a quote from one of my favorite new-found "poets", I like to call him this way, Renato Russo:
"Quem que já sofreu por amor? Eu sempre faço essa pergunta porque eu não acredito nisso. Eu acho que se o amor é verdadeiro, não existe sofrimento." (Who has already suffered from love? I always ask this, because I don't believe in it. I think that, if love is true, there is no suffering.) (Legião Urbana's "As quatro estações ao vivo" concert, in São Paulo).
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