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vineri, februarie 24, 2006

De Dragobete...pentru tine voi fi.../For You I Will Be.../Para tí seré

Voi fi ploaie pe chipu-ţi, lumina din adâncuri,
culeasă dintre valuri la ceasul calm al serii;
pe rând voi fi: mireasa din alba nea a lunii
şi steaua ce din ceaţă se naşte dimineaţa.

Voi fi a mării scoică ce-al mării glas îl poartă
şi recile-mi picioare iţi vor urma chemarea
prin gropile durerii, căci eu îmi duc destinul
spre orizontul palid în care tu te pierzi.

Voi fi a ta iubită în noaptea dintre evuri,
când lumea se va stinge, iar tu vei amuţi,
voi alunga cuvântul, dar îţi voi dărui
o clipă cât tot timpul, o lume-ntr-un sărut.

©2005 moonlight

I’ll be the rain on your face, the light in the depths
gathered from the waves at the calm hour of the evening;
I’ll be by turns: the bride from the white snow of the moon
and the star that was born from the mist in the morning.

I’ll be the seashell that carries the ocean’s voice
and my cold feet will follow your calling
through the holes of pain, for I will take my destiny
into the pale horizon where you disappear.

I’ll be your lover in the night between the ages,
when the world will fade, and you will become silent,
I shall banish the words, but I shall give you
a moment that will last forever, a world in a kiss.

©2005 moonlight

Seré lluvia sobre tu rostro, la luz de las profundidades
recogida de entre olas al tranquilo anochecer;
por turno seré: la novia nacida de la nieve blanca de la luna
y la estrella que aparece de la niebla las mañanas.

Seré la concha del mar que la voz del mar lleva consigo
y mis piernas frías seguirán tu cálida llamada
por los hoyos del dolor, pues yo busco mi destino
hacía el lejano horizonte donde tú te pierdes.

Seré tu amante en la noche eterna de invierno,
cuando el mundo se apagará, y tú te quedarás callado,
ahuyentaré las palabras, pero te regalaré
un instante de un siglo, un mundo entero en un beso.

©2005 moonlight


joi, februarie 23, 2006

Young, Beautiful, Smart and with a Degree...Now What???

Wow....I called my father yesterday to tell him the exam grade and he asked me: "Now what?" The thing is I don't know. I've been waiting for so long for this exam to pass that I didn't think what to do next. Or I did, but very little.

Anyways, this too passed. I was really nervous yesterday, luckily Adina came to stay with me, otherwise I would have gone crazy, thanx!!! And the teacher made me nervous exactly before I went in, and then told me my graduation paper was great....I was about to kill her, but I was too happy because it was all over and pretty well, too. I admit I could have gotten a better mark at the test, but my average was above 9, and that is what I wanted. But I made my grandparents happy, so it was ok.

And after the exam we went to get some junk-food (long live MacDonald's!!!) and walked a little in the downtown, including the theater, where there's an expo with wax sculptures and torture instruments (with Adina - and that explains the picture).

Oh....and we moved, I have my own room with a balcony, the computer and tv...hmmm...I think I ended up winning, I have to thank Cati for convincing Alex to leave me the pc. And the guys from czone came in 2 days to connect us at the internet,so I'm back online!!! Missed me? hehehe.

Anything else? if I'll remember, I'll fill in later. if I'll have the time...because now I'm miss jurist ...but for now it's only on paper. We'll see the rest later. Besitos, beijinhos, bacci, kisses, pupici...I'm not going crazy, I'm just happy!!!

PHOTO© 2006 moonlight

joi, februarie 16, 2006

Entry for February 16, 2006

Am I crazy or everybody is freaking out??? Two days before my finals and I have to argue with a 4 grade peasant, because he wants to throw us out of the apartment a week before the month is over. since he is working in real estate, shouldn't he know at least a little bit what's in that law??? But why does it surprise me, 90% of the Romanians don't even know the first article of the Constitution... And the truth is ignorants are the most difficult persons in the world, they always think they are the godfathers of all

Now I've kind of let my brother and Cati look for an apartment, although they have a lot to study, too...

luni, februarie 13, 2006

Valentine´s.... Again...

I went to Romană today to take my graduation paper to the bookbinder...guess what...all the city is full of balloons, hearts, stuffed animals and all that, I mean, tomorrow is Valentine's Day. But what joy do we find in a borrowed holiday (and especially from the Americans), I don't get it. There's just a little till we borrow Thanksgiving and the 4th of July, too, and then we will really rock... when our own Dragobete or why not, the 1st of March are so nice and they have exactly the same significance!
Ok, I have to admit, some time ago I felt really bad not buying anything for my boyfriend on Valentine's and I was a part of the same sheep herd, but I was never too "pro" this borrowed holiday. But now, since I've "grown up", I don't like all this shit anymore , I don't even find it romantic, since on the 14th of February everybody does exactly the same thing. To be honest, I'd rather receive a flower in any other day, at least I'd know it's given to me with love and not because everybody else does the same.
Anyways, since the Dragobete is on the 24th of February, and the Brazilian Valentine's in June, I won't stress Ric out with useless e-cards. But if you really want to celebrate it, I wish you a ˝Happy Valentine´s Day˝ and may you be loved!

PHOTO© 2006 moonlight

vineri, februarie 10, 2006

Stres şi indignare

Hai c-am facut-o şi pe asta! M-am înscris la licenţă pe ultima sută de metri = ultima zi. Acum nu prea mai pot să mă răzgândesc, având în vedere că am dat o grămadă de bani....dar mă rog, educaţia costă . Aşa că acuma mai am de făcut doar 2 lucruri: să-mi leg lucrarea, adică primul lucru pe care tre' să-l fac luni dimineaţă, având în vedere faptul că ar fi trebuit s-o predau azi, dar profa încă nu mi-a adus referatul. Al doilea lucru e să termin civilul de anul 2, care e un coşmar! şi asta până vinerea viitoare, ca sâmbătă să am timp să fac grilele alea nenorocite la penal.
Licenţa nici că putea să fie într-o perioadă mai proastă. Azi a început Olimpiada de iarnă şi you know me! o să stau cu ochii pe tv. Plus că zilele astea mai e şi Cupa Davis, chit că n-avem nici o şansă cu americanii (mother fuckers), dar tot o să mă uit şi o să sper ca Hănescu şi Pavel să facă ceva. Iar duminică Inter joacă cu Juventus celebrul derby d'Italia, pe care sub nici o formă nu pot să-l pierd. Aşa că Dumnezeu cu mila....
În altă ordine de idei, zilele astea am aflat o chestie care m-a facut să-i urăsc pe americani şi mai mult. S-a dat sentinţa în cazul Christopher Van Goethem, ştiţi voi, ăla de la omorât pe Teo Peter. Şi ghici ciupercă, oare de ce nu mă miră că l-au achitat! Că doar n-o să-l bage la zdup pe unul de-al lor, nici măcar n-a contat că n-a omorat un om oarecare, deşi chiar şi aşa să fi fost...Dar-ar Iranul cu bomba atomică peste Washington, că doar aşa o scăpa lumea de cea mai mare plagă a ultimelor secole! Şi dacă tot suntem aici, semnaţi şi voi petiţia asta, nu cred că o să aibă vreun efect, dar măcar aşa, că suntem români (şi chiar dacă nu sunteţi români, dar credeţi că americanii merita bomba sau măcar să le mai taie cineva macaroana, ca prea şi-au luat-o in cap):

Stres si indignare - English Version

Ok, I did this too, I just registered for the finals, in the last day, but still...Now there's no way I could change my mind, considering the money I payed...well, education does cost! Now it's just finishing the second year civil law by Friday so I'll have time on Saturday to do those multiple choice questions at criminal law...and to book-bind my thesis, which is the first thing I'll do Monday morning, regarding the fact that I really had to have it today, but my coordinator didn't give it back to me till now...
My finals couldn't have been in a worse time. Today was the opening for the Winter Olympics and you know me! I'll be in front of the TV all the time. Plus these days there's the Davis Cup between Romania and USA, we don't stand a chance, but still I hope Hanescu and Pavel won't disappoint us. And on Sunday there's the famous Derby d'Italia: Inter vs. Juventus, no way I'll miss that!!! So...God knows...
Changing the subject, I just found out these days a thing that made me hate Americans even more (is that really possible???). They gave the verdict in the Christopher Van Goethem case, you know, the marine who killed Teo Peter. And why doesn't it surprise me that it was "not guilty"! They wouldn't send to jail one of their own, would they? It didn't even matter that he didn't kill just an ordinary guy, but even if it would have been so... May the Iranians throw the atomic bomb over Washington, this would be the only way the world would save itself of the last centuries' plague! And since you're here, please sign this petition, I doubt it would make any difference in the appeal, but just because you're Romanians (and even if you're not, but you still think the americans deserve the bomb ):
Oh...and if you have no idea who Teo Peter is: he was the bassist of Compact, one of the best Romanian rock bands ever, a great guy who was one of the promoters of real rock music in Romania. He was killed by an American marine (whom we couldn't bring to trial here, because of the exclusive jurisdiction USA has over it's military people), in the second night of the "Rock in my heart" festival, which he co-organized. And the mother fuckers Americans said there was no real evidence that he even was in that taxi the marine hit that night....KILL 'EM ALL!!!


miercuri, februarie 08, 2006

Wow....10 Days....

Good idea these trains, Piatra-Bucharest and return. Yesterday afternoon I left for Piatra and today at 8 AM I was back. I didn't get much sleep, but I had enough time to go through the I year civil law, luckily I had the Beleiu book, which is shorter (God rest him in peace, for he wrote a great book!!!) so I got to finish another part of my license exam bibliography, which is in 10 days...

It really sucks...

And after my exam mister Beleiu and the others will be thrown somewhere deep in the closet...not really on the fire, because who knows, I might need them...but still, in a well deserved hibernation.

Btw, I just saw this years' Ferrari car and it looks very nice, I also heard the times are very good... I have nothing against Alonso, he's a good guy, but the Spanish got so much on my nerves last year that I can't bear him anymore. So Forza Ferrari!