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miercuri, ianuarie 31, 2007


Si al mecer las azules campanillas
de tu balcón
crees que suspirando pasa el viento
sabe que, oculto entre las verdes hojas,
suspiro yo.

Si al resonar confuso a tus espaldas
vago rumor,
crees que por tu nombre te ha llamado
lejana voz,
sabe que, entre las sombras que te cercan,
te llamo yo.

Si te turba medroso en la alta noche
tu corazón
al sentir en tus labios un aliento
sabe que, aunque invisible, al lado tuyo
respiro yo.

©2000 EDITORIAL ALBA ; PHOTO©2007 moonlight

marți, ianuarie 30, 2007

Aquarela do Brasil

It's been 3 weeks since I came back from Brazil, and I've been trying to post something about my vacations, to tell you how it was and everything. But I still don't feel like doing it. There've been so many things I've seen, or I've done, that it's impossible to put them into words in such a limited space and time I have. I've been happy, maybe happier than in Spain, and... that's it. Back to the same shitty life/job as before (really hope to change that soon...).

I wanted to post more photos, but apparently Yahoo!Photos is still upgrading (what's it been? 2, 3 months? ) and I cannot upload any photos. And of course my Flikr album does not appear... so I've saved it as feed (you can find the photos from Brazil in my Feeds section, where it says "nona's photos"...).

Sorry... I really wanted to tell you all about the most wonderful time I've had in my life, but it's kind of impossible. I'll leave you this though... "Aquarela do Brasil", a fragment of Disney's "Saludos Amigos", with Donald Duck and Zé Carioca (Disney's Brazilian character). Have fun!

Aquarela do Brasil©2007 moonlight ; PHOTO©2006 moonlight ; video from YouTube (original "Aquarela do Brasil" from the movie "Saludos Amigos" by Walt Disney)

miercuri, ianuarie 24, 2007

Soy mujer

I have been listening last night to some music I have from the time I was in Spain, and I found this incredible song about what defines us as women. The name of the singer is Chenoa, one of today's most respected spanish singers.

If you want, you can read more about her at


Soy mujer
soy de hiel, soy de miel, soy de piel
debilidad y poder
fuego que quema

Soy verdad
soy error, soy perdón, soy rencor
insensatez y razón
frío que hiela

Sabia intuición, imprudente pasión, soy así
Riesgo y temor, soy aliento y calor para ti

Me amarás, te querré, te daré comprensión
te odiaré, lloraré, sufriré con dolor
mentirás, fingiré
y por amor soy lo que soy
una mujer

Soy mujer
soy cruel, compasiva a la vez
contradicción, claridad y oscuridad

Soy volcán,
soy un alma en plena erupción
calma con lucha interior
ave que vuela

Savia intuición, imprudente pasión, soy así
Riesgo y temor, soy aliento y calor para ti

Me amarás, te querré, te daré comprensión
te odiaré, lloraré, sufriré con dolor
mentirás, fingiré
y por amor soy lo que soy
una mujer

Me amarás, te querré, te daré comprensión
te odiaré, lloraré, sufriré con dolor
mentirás, fingiré
y por amor soy lo que soy
una mujer

Soy mujer© 2003 Chenoa

joi, ianuarie 18, 2007

Pablo Neruda, Soneto XVII

No te amo como si fueras rosa de sal, topacio
o flecha de claveles que propagan el fuego:
te amo como se aman ciertas cosas oscuras,
secretamente, entre la sombra y el alma.
Te amo como la planta que no florece y lleva
dentro de sí, escondida, la luz de aquellas flores,
y gracias a tu amor vive oscuro en mi cuerpo
el apretado aroma que ascendió de la tierra.
Te amo sin saber cómo, ni cuándo, ni de dónde,
te amo directamente sin problemas ni orgullo:
así te amo porque no sé amar de otra manera,
sino así de este modo en que no soy ni eres,
tan cerca que tu mano sobre mi pecho es mía,
tan cerca que se cierran tus ojos con mi sueño.

Não te amo como se fosses rosa de sal, topázio
ou flecha de cravos que propagam o fogo:
te amo como se amam certas coisas obscuras,
secretamente, entre a sombra e a alma.
Te amo como a planta que não floresce e leva
dentro de si, oculta, a luz daquelas flores,
e graças a teu amor, vive oculto em meu corpo
o apertado aroma que ascendeu da terra.
Te amo sem saber como, nem quando, nem onde,
te amo diretamente sem problemas nem orgulho:
assim te amo porque não sei amar de outra maneira,
senão assim, deste modo, em que não sou nem és,
tão perto que tua mão sobre meu peito é minha,
tão perto que se fecham teus olhos com meu sonho.


vineri, ianuarie 12, 2007

I'm back

Love... I wonder who was the first person in discovering it or the first poet to put it into words... it is so fragile, yet so strong...

A year and a half ago, when Ric left Romania, he said to me that we will meet again, and that we will be happy. I didn't really believe him. I had hope, of course, what girl doesn't? but inside, I never believed that I would see him again, or that we would still be together at this point.

Now, after spending one month in Brazil with him, I know, I just know that we can make it. Yes, it is difficult. There are more than 10.000 km between us, an ocean, we're in different emispheres... Yes, I'm scared, and I have no idea what things will be like, but now I know that this is something worth saving. I thought that things would be weird, but when I saw him in the airport I felt like we have been appart only for a few days, everything was so natural... Damn, I'm so in love...

I have learned that indeed love is stronger than time, it doesn't count the kilometres, it bends in the wind so it can avoid being broken by difficulties, it is forgiving, and definitely the most beautiful thing that God gave us.

Te amo tanto, patito...

P.S. More about my vacations in Rio de Janeiro in the next days.

I'm back & PHOTO©2007 moonlight